I love the colour combo pink & red, so I think that’s why I’m so drawn to Valentine’s Day. I also can’t get enough of all the heart candies, chocolates and even heart themed clothes. Here are 3 easy & cute ways to incorporate hearts into your wardrobe yourself! You’ll save some money by DIY-ing and it always feels satisfying to tell everyone it’s your own creation 😉

I’ve been eyeing the trending heart elbow patch sweater for a while now and wanted to get my hands on one. They’re so darn cute, but just couldn’t get myself to make the purchase because I couldn’t justify the price to how many times I would actually wear it. Of course my solution is to DIY! I had an old sweater from Old Navy laying around collecting dust, so I went to the dollar store and bought felt for 50cents and added them to the sweater. Here’s how I did it…

- I purchased heart shaped cookie moulds from the dollar store to use to trace two hearts onto the felt. You can definitely try free-handing it as another option.
- Safety pin where you would like the heart to go on the sleeve. I suggest putting on the sweater to mark exactly where your elbow is.
- Use a glue gun to glue the heart in place then sew the heart down all away around the edges by either sewing machine or by hand. The glue is totally optional, but I found it way easier to sew without the heart moving around. Another way to make the sewing process a little faster is by putting a tennis ball in the sleeve under the heart (shown in the top right image). It took me roughly 10mins to sew one heart.
- Once you made it all the way around, turn it inside out to make a knot. And there you have it; a cute Valentine’s Day sweater!

Here’s another fun and playful way to add hearts to your wardrobe! Follow the same exact directions for the elbow patch sweater, but sew the felt hearts onto a plain white t-shirt instead. They make the perfect pyjama top and Valentine’s gift for your close girlfriends! I got this t-shirt from Forever21 for only $4.99!!! And I actually love the material of it; so soft and comfy.


Last but not least, I took a pair of old fingerless mitts and gave it a face lift by adding mini pink hearts to the bottom. I used red thread for the stitching to give it some texture and extra detailing.
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! Spread LOVE… the world needs it!

1 Comment
This is SUCH a cute idea! I definitely need to recreate that adorable t-shirt. 🙂