I’ve been slacking a bit on my blog post lately, but honestly the holiday season is the busiest time of year for me.  All the preparation and travelling in a short period of time is exhausting, but totally worth it!!!  I am so grateful and truly blessed to have such a wonderful family to share the holidays with.  I would love to host Christmas at my place, but fitting over 20 people in my little tiny condo just wouldn’t work.  Hopefully one day!  Since my family members didn’t get a chance to see my “Winter Wonderland” themed decor, I decided to quickly make a post to share with them AND of course with all you lovely readers out there.  Enjoy the tour! 🙂

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October is here and now that Thanksgiving has passed, it’s time to start thinking about Halloween.  For those of you who don’t know… I’m obsessed with Halloween!!!  My birthday happens to fall the day after, so every year I like to do a Halloween/Birthday event and put a theme to it.  Last year I hosted my party at BATL Grounds, which is a unique urban venue where you have the thrill of learning axe throwing and have a competitive game amongst your friends. Dress code was Zombies!  This year I decided on the theatrical Escape Room Challenge at Toronto’s beautiful landmark, Casa Loma Castle.  The Escape game has a full sound and set design with live actors!  The game unfolds in the post World War II era of Toronto’s history, so I thought it would be a perfect idea to all dress in 1940’s fashion to match with the theme and venue.  Eek!  I can’t wait!  I love organizing these events and the best part is putting my costume together and seeing what everyone else comes up with for theirs. With all the excitement on planning the event, my halloween decor tends to take a back seat.  I like to go light with the decor and choose items that are classy, affordable and easy to get.  I’ve put together some tips to help inspire you to add a little Halloween in your home! 

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DIY Tufted HeadboardBuy vs. Make?!?!

This topic ran through my head for a whole month before making a final decision.  Here’s why;  I’ve always wanted a white tufted headboard after seeing how dreamy Jillian Harris’ bedroom is (Obsessed!), so off I went to do some research online to find the perfect one. Let me tell you, it’s not easy finding a white tufted headboard. Lots of Ivory or off-white, but no plain white! I did eventually come across a few, of course extremely expensive, but I was mostly hesitant because it’s such a big purchase and not being able to see it physically and not knowing if the white was my vision of the perfect white, scared me!  …And let’s face it, returns suck!!!  However, on the flip side, I was afraid of making a headboard because what if it turns out crappy and cheap looking? I’ll end up not using it, wasting my money and time and be back at square one again with the process of finding one! Phew! My thoughts are exhausting.  I am so grateful I have good friends who put up with my crazy indecisiveness. Lol! They helped me make my decision and let me tell you, I am so happy I saved my money and went the route of making one! It’s a fun project to do and the end product looks great in my eyes. I’m in love with it! Keep reading to see how I made mine…

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My friend recently asked me for advice on coffee table decor because she felt overwhelmed with all the choices out there.  Has that ever happened to you?  …Yup, I hear ya! My best advice is don’t over think it and remember, less is more!  Some key accessories I would choose are candles, books, flowers and a lovely tray to lay them on.  Lastly, my favourite tip would be to 

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Well, it’s Monday… but not just any Monday though.  It’s a Monday after a long weekend!  Sigh.  I was up in Sauble beach catching the rays & relaxing on the hammock during the days and passing the nights with long chats over the fire pit while roasting marshmallows. Oh the life! Anyway, because of such a wonderful weekend, It’s making it very hard to get back into the groove of another busy week.  …But I can say when I walk into my little home office, I instantly
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