I’m obsessing over wallpaper lately. It’s a great way to completely transform any space in your home. Wallpaper isn’t how it use to be back in the day, so stop thinking about your grandmothers old fashioned walls! Wallpaper has evolved so much over the years and now there’s so many pretty designs & textured wallpapers to choose from for whatever style you’re going for. There’s also a misconception that wallpaper is a pain in the ass to work with. Heck no! Most wallpapers out there are easy to apply and to take down, especially if you are renting or just want to change things up every once in a while. The only real con with wallpaper is it can get pricey and it will most likely be more money than painting, but I think it’s totally worth it to make a huge statement mainly on an accent walls. However, if you pick a shiplap, brick or stone textured wallpaper, it is definitely cheaper than to buy the actual materials and labour cost to install it. So in this case, wallpaper is a cheaper alternative!
Recently I was helping a client pick out wallpaper for her place and we ended up going with an exposed white brick wallpaper. So simply, but the texture gives life and beauty to the room. As I was shopping around for her, I came across some other really fun wallpapers that I want to share with you. I attached the shopping link below each picture, if you are interested in purchasing any of them.
I hope this post gives you some inspiration and will turn you into a wallpaper lover like myself! Leave a comment below and let me know which one is your favourite.